Half-Finished to Done is a podcast for passionate business owners like you, who are ready to stop procrastinating and start creating and finishing extraordinary projects. Join Productivity Coach Cristina Roman weekly as she covers every obstacle—mental, emotional, and logistical—that’s keeping you from sustainably, joyfully, and calmly finishing projects in your business. Welcome to your new life as a project finisher!
Monday Sep 05, 2022
{BONUS} You’re Invited to the Prep Challenge!
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
This bonus episode is a special invitation to my upcoming challenge, The Prep Challenge. It's a 5-day challenge that’s taking place from September 12-16t's specifically for you if you’ve been interested in my program, Half-Finished to Done, LIVE, but haven't yet said yes.
What I have found when I talk to people who are interested in the program but don't enroll, it always comes down to one of 4 things:
- Time
- Energy
- Money
- Self-trust
The Prep Challenge will help you shift your relationship to these 4 things so that you feel confident enrolling in the October round of Half-Finished to Done, LIVE by the end of the 5-day challenge.
To grab your free spot, head to https://piquecoaching.co/prepchallenge to register.
Listen in as I discuss:
- Concerns about lack of time
- Believing that generating money is outside of your control as a business owner
- Treating energy as a nonrenewable resource
- Thinking that the problem with self-trust is that you don't have enough of it
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
EP. 12 The 4 Reasons You Procrastinate
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
As a procrastinator, you’ve probably asked yourself “Why do I keep procrastinating, even though I know that it’s keeping me from getting the results that I actually want?”
This is an important question since first understanding why you procrastinate is crucial if you want to stop doing it.
This episode will give you insight into the top 4 reasons why you procrastinate, and will help you work through the confusion and angst that you might be feeling as a self-proclaimed procrastinator.
As you listen, think about all of the things that you normally procrastinate on and identify which of the following 4 buckets they fit into:
- Things that you genuinely don't want to do
- Things that you can't do
- Things that feel completely intolerable
- Things you genuinely want to do, that you can learn to reframe in your mind
The 5 Reasons Your Projects Are Half-Finished
The 10-Minute Procrastination Win
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
EP. 11 Half-Finished to Done Client Story: Jeffrey Kramer
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Our guest today is my former client and an expert on perfectionism, Jeffrey Kramer.
As an author, speaker, life, and business coach, Jeff helps people who are struggling with perfectionism become Perfectly Unhackable in work, life and play.
He knows firsthand how much perfectionism can affect not only your work life but your interpersonal relationships, too. In this episode, he shares how my program, Half-Finished to Done, LIVE provided a simple, sensible, repeatable, and diagnosable process that he could follow to actually get his most important projects done.
Listen in as we discuss:
- Why Jeff joined Half-Finished to Done, LIVE
- How Half-Finished to Done, LIVE has helped him to escape the Half-Finished Project Vortex
- The role of your emotions in project execution
- How to work through the feeling of overwhelm
- How perfectionism impacts both your work life and your interpersonal relationships
- Jeff’s Perfection Paradox philosophy explained
- The three different types of perfectionism
- Jeff’s biggest breakthroughs revealed
Jeffrey Kramer: Author, Speaker, Life and Business Coach for Perfectionism
Website: https://www.jeffreyakramer.com/
LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/jeffreyakramer
Shannon Mattern - DIY Web Design + Marketing Training
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
EP. 10 Releasing the Emotional Baggage of Unfinished Projects with TaVona Denise
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Did you know that your experience with past projects can impact your emotional life?
When you’re bogged down with past disappointments or are hoarding resentment and fear, it’s natural to feel stagnant, frustrated, and dissatisfied. One cause of this is unresolved feelings resulting from unfinished projects. The good news is that you don't have to stay stuck. You have the power to declutter your unresolved emotions and move forward with your next project feeling excited, open, and optimistic.
So how do you release the emotional baggage of unfinished projects? That is exactly what you will uncover in this episode.
Our guest today is TaVona Denise. TaVona is setting a new standard for how coaches book out their one-on-one services and fill their group programs so they can actually make money doing what they love. Listen in as we discuss:
- How the negative experience of an unfinished project can manifest in your life
- What a militant boundary is, and how it can show up in your life and business
- A great way to respond when you are feeling activated or triggered
- The 2 emotions to be aware of when creating anything big
- Self-pity days, and how they can help you process disappointments
- Simple tips and strategies to facilitate emotional release for yourself
TaVona Denise: Master Certified Coach, Launch Specialist, Speaker, and Author
Website: https://www.tavonadenise.com/
Instagram: @tavonadenise
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
EP. 09 Types of Projects + Their Benefits
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
As a business owner, you have projects in your business—even if at first you think you don’t.
And when done right, projects can be the number one needle mover in your business.
So let's talk about what defines a project, examples of projects, and the benefits of efficient, sustainable, meaningful projects.
What’s inside the episode:
- The 4 parameters that define a project: 1) It has a specific purpose and outcome, 2)It has multiple steps, 3) It can be done on a specific timeline, 4)It is designed specifically to generate a return on the time and money that you invest.
- The 5 types of project ROI: Emotional, time, social capital, impact, and financial
- How projects differ from recurring tasks
- The value of completing projects in your business
- 18 examples of projects that you could do in your business
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
EP. 08 The Anti-Procrastination Challenge
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
The free 5-day Anti-Procrastination Challenge is back, from August 8-12!
All of the work I do here at Pique Coaching is about taking action, by planning and executing projects.
I find that many business owners who are self-proclaimed procrastinators need help reconnecting to their why before they can get the most out of tactical project-based work.
To help you with this, I've created the free 5-day Anti-Procrastination Challenge, which is designed to pull you out of the pattern of procrastination, get you reinvigorated, and re-excited about your business, and into a better day-to-day experience in your business.
To grab your seat for the Anti-Procrastination Challenge, visit https://www.piquecoaching.co/apc to register.
What’s inside the episode:
- Why I'm hosting the free 5-day Anti-Procrastination Challenge again
- How the challenge helps you reconnect to your why
- An intro to the 3-step Anti-Procrastination Cycle: 1) Crafting a vision, 2) Aligning your self-identity and emotions, and 3) Acting as if
- How this challenge will help you finish more projects in your business
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
EP. 07 Moving Past Procrastination as a Coping Mechanism
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Bold claim: All self-proclaimed procrastinators fundamentally crave success and fear failure. There are two catches here: We also fear success…and success is predicated on failure.
So we’re simultaneously craving and fearing success, while also fearing failure—which leaves us in a bit of a pickle.
What’s actually happened is that over time, we've developed a series of coping mechanisms with our behavior that protect us. This includes procrastination.
This episode will help you work through releasing some of these coping mechanisms in order to have more success with your projects.
What’s inside the episode:
- Examples of the most common ways that we use procrastination as a coping mechanism
- How to identify your unique forms of procrastination
- How to completely reframe your relationship to both failure and success
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
EP. 06 Managing Procrastination Within a Partnership with Dr. Chavonne Perotte
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Procrastination can affect all areas of our lives, including our relationships with the people around us.
When it comes to romantic relationships, the effects of procrastination can show up everywhere in the relationship—from overwhelm due to being overcapacity to over-relying on your partner to meet your needs to taking their procrastination personally.
So how do you deal if you or a partner is a procrastinator? That is exactly what you will uncover in this episode.
Our guest today is Dr. Chavonne Perotte. She is a life and marriage coach who helps couples develop the mindset and skills to create happy marriages. She is the author of Voices in Your Ear: New Conversations to Transform Your Mind and Renew Your Marriage and is the Founder of RelateAble, LLC, a coaching practice that provides virtual coaching to couples. Listen in as we discuss:
- How procrastination shows up in relationships
- Having clear, concrete conversations about your expectations from your partner
- Removing the guilt that comes with a “honey-do” list
- Tactical strategies for when your spouse does not respond to you as expected
- How your partnership can fuel your business and vice versa
- Why we get stuck and stop seeing options to resolve our challenges
- Why you should increase your capacity to feel negative emotions, like guilt and disappointment
- What to do when your conversations with your partner are stale
Dr. Chavonne Perotte: Transformational coach, author, and speaker
Website: https://drchavonne.com/
Instagram: @chavonneperotte
Podcast: Love Marriage Again
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
EP. 05 The 5 Types of Project ROI
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
If your brain is prioritizing the status quo instead of taking on an exciting, challenging, daunting new project, nothing's gone wrong. That's just the way that your brain is wired.
Luckily, there is something that we can do about this. We can consciously bring our attention and focus to the return on investment (ROI) that comes when we work on our projects and see them all the way to completion.
And so in this episode, I will share with you the 5 types of project ROI that are going to make you more compelled and more motivated to show up to work on your projects.
What’s inside the episode:
- The 5 types of project ROI: Emotional, time, social capital, impact, and financial
- Why understanding the 5 types of ROI will increase your motivation to work on your projects
- How to use the 5 types of ROI as a filter for deciding what projects to work on
- A few recommendations for how to make this practical in your business
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
EP. 04 Moving Your Projects from Half-Finished to Done
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Thinking about projects that we leave half-finished often evokes feelings of self-judgment, self-criticism, guilt, shame, embarrassment, or other negative emotions.
I want to introduce you to a different way to approach this. Let’s look at this scientifically. I want you to consider that the difference between a half-finished project and a finished project is just inputs and outputs. When we look at it with the curiosity of a scientist, it removes so much of the emotional heaviness, which helps you change things moving forward.
Listen in as I break this down into four different inputs and one output that you need to keep procrastination at bay and take your projects from half-finished to done.
What’s inside the episode:
- The four factors that create a half-finished or finished projects
- How to apply this framework to your projects
- The most common reasons that I see projects left half-finished by my clients
The framework mentioned:
- Circumstances
- Thoughts
- Feelings
- Actions
- Results
Cristina Roman, Life Coach for Procrastinating Business Owners
Instagram: @piquecoaching
Facebook: @piquecoaching
TikTok: @piquecoaching
Email: hello@piquecoaching.co
Website: https://www.piquecoaching.co